Université de Nantes - Université Paris-Saclay


Friday, 20 October 2023

The seminar will take place at the Université de Nantes,
Bâtiment de Mathématiques, salle Eole.
András Stipsicz (Rényi Institute Budapest)
2-actions on four-manifolds

Abstract: Exotic smooth structures on four-manifolds are one of the most surprising, and at the same time most fascinating phenomena in low dimensional topology. Existence questions of exotic smooth structures on closed simply connected four-manifolds with definite intersection form are of central importance - as a special case, this problem includes the smooth four-dimensional Poincaré conjecture. We show exotic examples of definite four-manifolds with fundamental group ℤ2. In another direction, ℤ2-actions on specific exotic four-manifolds provide embeddings of connected sums of the real projective plane ℝℙ2 to the four-sphere S4 which are topologically standard, but smoothly not. Smooth exotica are proved using Seiberg-Witten theory - we will hint the use of these invariants in this context.
Vincent Florens (Université de Pau)
Topological invariants of line arrangements

Abstract: A line arrangement is a finite set of lines in the complex projective plane ℂℙ2. They are particular cases of plane algebraic curves where the components have all degree 1. We are interested in the influence of the combinatorial data of an arrangement on its embedded topology in ℂℙ2. The boundary manifold of an arrangement is the common boundary of a regular neighborhood of the arrangement and its exterior. This is a graph three-manifold, in the sense of Waldhausen, whose topology is completely determined by the combinatorics. We use the inclusion map of the boundary manifold in the exterior to construct a new topological invariant of arrangements. This is a joint work with E. Artal and A. Rodau.
Université de Nantes UPSAY
Vincent Colin Frédéric Bourgeois